When someone tells you that your carpets need remediation, do you know what this means? It’s not a simple topical cleaning of the carpets as most consumers think it is. A quick over pass with a carpet machine is not it. It involves a lot more than cleaning the surface of the carpets. Remediation means reversal or stopping of damage to the environment.While homeowners have some tools available to help control these issues, professional help is usually required to eliminate them completely and properly. If you have pets and really bad odor issues in your carpets, this is the only way to resolve it completely. No way to get around this but to do the job properly you must do a remediation process. Topical cleaning of the carpets are not going to work for very severe odor problems like cat urine or dog urine. The longer an incident goes untreated, the more likely the urine odor is to permeate deeper and deeper into floors, walls and even the framework and foundation of the home. The issues are in the padding of the carpets and sub flooring. You must tackle the issues from beneath the carpets to really get to the bottom of the odor problem.
Urine crystals, or salts form as urine dries in the pad and sub-floor. The crystals are not easily re-liquefied by the water or detergent alone, but dissolve readily in mild acid condition. First, emulsification and removal of fats, proteins, and other urine products not liquefied by the acid rinse is accomplished. Flushing a liberal amount of an acidic solution through your carpet and pad in the first step of remediation. In the second stage, live non-pathogenic bacteria and enzymes are saturated throughout the affected area to feed on and digest any remaining residues.
Once the two stage flooding and extracting procedure has been accomplished, your carpet will be cleaned as normal. This will remove the beneficial bacteria and enzymes from the fibers in your carpet, so the next step is to use a pump sprayer to reapply the bacteria and enzymes, and a carpet rake to distribute them evenly over the affected area.
In some cases the the carpets might be too damaged that you would need to replace the carpets all together. But after having the the sub flooring treated and it will be ready for the new carpet installers to come in and install the new carpets. Starting off with a fresh new start and no odor issues.
Some health factors involved in odor issues in your home. Health effects from odors can vary depending on the frequency, duration and the concentration of the odor. The most common symptoms or complaints are eye, nose, and throat irritation as well as headache, nausea, hoarseness, sore throat, cough, chest tightness, nasal congestion, palpitations, shortness of breath, drowsiness, and mood changes. More severe cases some odors may trigger or complicate other illnesses, such as asthma, other respiratory diseases, hypersensitivity, and stress induced illness. In these cases the health effects may be longer lasting and more significant. So important to keep your odor issues in control at all times. Do not let it go for months or years. Eventually the damage could be far worst than you wanted to anticipate on your families health or your pocket book.