As a carpet cleaner, one of the questions we get asked is “why is light colored carpet more difficult and expensive to clean?” Here’s the history on this. There is not an exact answer to the question because there are many reasons for this. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s light colored had not shed it’s popularity on the main stage yet. This color did not become popular until the early 1980’s and the explosion began! My gosh, it’s like the world morphed overnight into a light colored carpet paradise! All of a sudden, it seemed like every home in North America had light colored beige carpet…what … [Read more...]
Natural Dyes
It’s an obvious fact when it comes to food coloring additives, natural is always the best option. The United Kingdom has already banned synthetic food coloring. There’s a plethora of medical research that backs up the claims on the dangerous long term effects of consuming artificial food dyes. What’s ridiculous is America and the United Kingdom sell the exact same processed food, but Britain has replaced artificial dyes with natural ingredients. Despite the ban in the United Kingdom, the United States continues to use the banned products even with further research findings. There is already … [Read more...]
Ceiling Fan Friend or Foe?
One of the most overlooked cleaning jobs has got to be cleaning all the built up dust and grime off of the fan blades. Ceiling fans can become a breeding ground for dust mites if dust is allowed to accumulate. “According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), dust mites are one of the most common allergy triggers.” If you have your fan constantly running you may be scattering dust mites all over your furniture, or bed. The point of a ceiling fan is to circulate air down into the room, if air is constantly being pushed down to the floor, more than likely … [Read more...]
What is remediation
When someone tells you that your carpets need remediation, do you know what this means? It’s not a simple topical cleaning of the carpets as most consumers think it is. A quick over pass with a carpet machine is not it. It involves a lot more than cleaning the surface of the carpets. Remediation means reversal or stopping of damage to the environment.While homeowners have some tools available to help control these issues, professional help is usually required to eliminate them completely and properly. If you have pets and really bad odor issues in your carpets, this is the only way to resolve … [Read more...]
About Carpet Dyeing
When you enter a home, hands down one of the first things your eyes notice is the flooring. Carpet is the largest surface area in the house, and since you’re in constant contact with it, floors are quickly scrutinized by your guests and potential home buyers. Over time, carpet color fades, wears, and begins to look dingy. If your carpeting is faded, discolored, stained, or simply an undesirable color, you should refurbish it. What if your carpet is in good shape but looks horrible? Do not waste your money to replace an already quality pile. Often, carpet dyeing is one of the best ways to … [Read more...]
If what you’re looking for in a carpet is a plush, rich fabric; then yes, thick carpet may be the better choice for your home. But, thick carpet is not the best alternative if you’re looking for a more dense and durable carpet. Density, which is more yarn per square inch, will provide a much longer durability. The face weight and carpet density give you information on the amount of carpet fiber per square inch. Both of these attributes play stellar roles in determining carpet durability. Denser carpet has the appearance of looking less worn and aged. Also, the abundance of carpet fibers … [Read more...]
How Light Colored Carpet Evolved!
As a carpet cleaner, one of the questions we get asked is “why is light colored carpet more difficult and expensive to clean?” Here’s the history on this. There is not an exact answer to the question because there are many reasons for this. Back in the 1950’s and 60’s light colored had not shed it’s popularity on the main stage yet. This color did not become popular until the early 1980’s and the explosion began! My gosh, it’s like the world morphed overnight into a light colored carpet paradise! All of a sudden, it seemed like every home in North America had light colored beige carpet…what … [Read more...]
So your in the mood to purchase new carpet and your not sure on what to consider before making your decision. The is actually quite common with carpet because there are so many choices to choose from! Yep, there are many types and styles of carpet sold on the market today and they all look, feel and clean differently! So, what do you look for when purchasing new carpet? Well, many of you already know the basics on how to choose the perfect carpet for you and your family. But, there is one thing that stands out more than the others and most consumers never consider this as being important when … [Read more...]
Organic Carpet Cleaner
Organic Carpet Cleaner PagesCleaning companies that offer organic carpet cleaning like Organic Dry Cleaning Phoenix are surging in popularity not only because of the excellent quality of service that they offer, but also because of their contribution in protection the health and environment of their clients. Most carpet cleaning service providers in Phoenix apply chemicals to make sure that the carpet is clean and that ugly and messy stains or bad odors are cleaned and removed. That would be all good and well but people have become aware of the dangers of chemical cleaning products and … [Read more...]
Why Do You Need Baby Safe Carpet Cleaning?
Why Do You Need Baby Safe Carpet Cleaning? When you have a baby or small children in your home, cleaning your house is not as simple as using the same cleaning products that you have been using for years. Those cleaning products can contain harsh chemicals that could irritate a baby’s eyes, skin and can even be ingested. Since carpet cleaning products often use chemicals that carry health warnings, many parents are rightfully concerned about the chemicals being using around their children and what chemicals are left on the carpet after cleaning. Kenneth “Bock MD, a pediatric toxicologist … [Read more...]